Monday, January 28, 2013

Big Sibling Gift

Since we are expecting our second child I have been researching the best way to prepare your first child for the new arrival.  I love our sweet boy so much I want to try as best as I can to get him excited and not feel like he is left out.  In doing do I found several different ways to do this and one way was to get him a big sibling gift.  Choice of presentation and the items included are geared toward your child so I thought I would post what I did for ours:

I got all of these things from target, snapfish, and amazon!  The big photo is actually a book showing how much we love him and how he was born and first year photos of his firsts and such!  The items we got him where fun bath soap, recorders, organic granola bars, fun little light up ball toy, the cat in the hat movie, forget me not planting flower kit, stickers, notebook and big fun pens, serpentine blow out party favors, chewing gum, coloring book set, and some clothing for him!!  The bucket was $1 from target's what I call come through the door and spend instant money section! 
Hope you enjoyed reading about our big sibling kit!!  If you have any more suggestions on how to prep first children we are all ears please post!!