Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Witness my fitness - post #8 Just Run

My favorite stress buster and workout is running!  I am not super placement ribbon fast anymore but the open road with music in my ears equals peace and tranquilly.  I have ran most of my life and I had a phase where running was not my favorite at all but I did it to stay in shape to do other sports.  Of course I am not a professional trainer or runner but a few things have helped me love running.

1- If it is not hard at first then you are doing it wrong.  Anytime you are doing something new or just starting a workout routine after taking a break it will be hard.  Just know it will get better and stay focused on why you are putting yourself through a tough workout.
2- Be prepared!  If you start off with a marathon after just one week of running you will at minimum fail but most likely get a serious injury in doing so.  In fact, you should start crawling before you walk then think about running.  I always start by walking a mile then increasing speed after a week then jog finally running a slow pace and so on.  I only increase my miles by half a mile after I feel comfortable in that one mile first and I decrease my speed when adding distance as well.
3- Be Equipped!  Some sports you can grab any pair of shoes, clothes, and skip warm ups, but if you are not equipped with the proper gear plus good stretching warm ups you have a higher rate of failure and injury.  Things you must have include a GREAT sports bra, a expensive plus PERFECT pair of shoes, good socks, compression shorts/tights/capris, and running tops.  Normally I would say go for the bargain but please do no go for the cheap for this because it really makes it easier to run plus most importantly safer.
4- Stay hydrated and nourished. If you have no gas in your car it will no run so why do you think you can on very little water or food?  At first I even walk with water bottles with me to drink along the way then as I increase speed I'm normally drinking and eating more during the day because my body knows it needs it.  
5- Tune in!  I love jamming out to songs that move me!  Sometimes I listen to songs I normally Iike to listen to then most of the time I listen to songs I do not normally listen to but they have a fast beat or rockin hard drum that makes me want to run faster and faster.
6- Be safe!  When running on roads like I do you must be safe.  Always run against the flow of traffic so the driver sees you and you can see the drivers.  Watch where you run to avoid streets with sex offenders or other locations known for crime so you are not putting yourself in danger.  If you are running at night at the very least wear reflective tape or get a safety running vest so cars can see you.
7- Encourage or be encouraged!  Join a running group to motivate you and keep you focused.  Call a friend you know runs and ask if they want to run with you.  On the flip side create your own running group or ask someone you know might want to start running to start with you.
8- Get checked!  Before starting any fitness program go to your doctor for a complete checkup and discuss your plans with them.  Not only will that give you a baseline to start from but it will also give you a gage of your current fitness level.  
9- Stay focused!  Concentrate on why you decided to start running.  My reason is that I want my children to see their mommy cares about her health they should too plus I want to be heathy so I can take care of my family!
10- Believe!  Believe in yourself give yourself a pep talk during the run know you are getting better and doing great!  Do not let anyone or anything get in your way!  I just checked my newsfeed on another social media outlet last week and a friend of mine posted something about seeing a person running at 250+ lbs but she respected him because she saw him walking at a higher weight months before so she respected him for his determination and belief in hisself!  

I think ten is good for now!  More on running I'm sure later but I hope you enjoyed my list please add more in comments if you have more too!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Before Delivery & 7 weeks After

I recently had several people want to see some before and after shots so here goes:
Below is my second pregnancy before delivery at 36 weeks pregnant on the left and 7 weeks after delivery on the right

Below is my first pregnancy before at 41 weeks pregnant and after at 8 weeks
The biggest difference I see here is that with my first pregnancy I was smaller to start with and during I didn't gain as much weight because I was more active. With my second pregnancy I was less active due to complications then I was also bigger starting weight as wel where I took hormone therapy combined with fertility treatments.  Several differences but all in all it seems very similar on how I started dropping weight.  I am now 10 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight after 7 weeks from my second csection YAY!!  Just hope this coming week I am cleared to get moving by the doctor but I have a feeling he is going to get mad at me for doing too much yesterday :-/ oops!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Recipe for healthy kids

After watching a CNN Anderson Cooper video today of a two year old child having a  sippy cup of coffee every morning since she was 9 months old with her mother then getting "Tinker Tea" which is tea, pixie sticks, and Mountain Dew I had to write this post!  I'm not a perfect mom and my three year old has had pizza from a box, a yucky hot dog (which thankfully he didn't love), cake, cupcakes, and the like BUT for the majority of the time I do give him healthy food during meal times.

In my opinion a recipe for a healthy kid is as follows:
-love and affection
-sleep 12 hours at night 1 hour day
-fruits, veggies, and the right balance of the other stuff in moderation 
-exercise including as much fresh air as possible
-hand washing lots of hand washing
-brain workouts requiring focus

I'm sure if I had more time I could come up with a few more and in no way are my kids never sick but since I've been a stay at home mom the number of times we have been sick has drastically reduced to a few minor sicknesses per year (thank the good Lord!).  Sometimes you just cannot protect them because something's are completely out of your control!  

I am truly sad very sad about this poor child on the video and very sad that toddlers and tiaras have yet again disgraced parenting and what people think of pageantry as well.  

If you wish to watch the video here is the link:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Stay At Home Mom 102

I am NOT an expert at being a stay at home Mom let me begin with that information.   I'm getting the hang of it and as of April I just became a stay at home Mom of two so just when I thought I had things under control I am back at square one.  This is my attempt to highlight a few things about being a stay at home mom of two or one that I had to learn.  My experience has brought me full circle from a working Mom then a stay at home mom of one for around two years and now a stay at home mom of two for several months!

I must put a confession in here that I was a working mom who thought stay at home moms had it easy so easy, but very quickly realized stay at home moms work harder than anyone.  Much respect now that I'm wearing the stay at home mom shoes!  The job pays good with kisses and the benefits to my kids are excellent but it is a twenty-four-seven job that gives no sick leave, vacation, or security of knowing what your job description will be since it is written and rewritten everyday.

 Here is a short list of my experience:

-Never wear black... wait... never wear white... Wait... Umm just NEVER wear nice clothes because no matter the color you will go around all day getting so dirty by the end of the day it is hard to tell what  color you are wearing!  For example, it isn't just the milk the baby spits up on you it is the jelly from lunch too plus chalk from sidewalk coloring oh and the snot from an allergy nose ... you get the picture!

-If it is quite run call 911 because it is an emergency!  Your toilet is filled to the brim with something like toilet paper plus the bathroom hand towel and/or a magazine.  You go to change the babies diaper things get quite your 3 year old has made a 5 ft tower from cushions and proceeds to climb it and jump onto your hardwood floors almost hitting his head on the ceiling fan blades!

-Do not sit down it is counter productive because as soon as you do someone needs something, has to go to the bathroom, starts crying, wants food, and/or wakes up from sleeping.  Just stand at all times!

-If your children wouldn't nap during designated nap time mentally prepare for all out war, tears over everything, and don't forget to feed them dinner early so they hopefully get a little full to go to bed early :-) right!!!

-Have several changes of clothes for the kids because one or two sets will need to be washed within the first few hours of the day 

-If you have something nice lock it in a safe till the kids are in college and never buy nice things just hold off till later in life when you might keep it nice for a few minutes

-If you want a clean house shell out the money for a clean house just again get mentally prepared that in 1 hour or less after the cleaning service leaves things are back to disaster zone so just realize it is materialistic so it is not important

-Take showers at 3am or an insane hour when the kids finally go to sleep so you can be clean for a few hours till they wake up

-To get anything accomplished during the day other than feeding the kids, dressing the kids, redressing the kids, getting the kids down for nap, and doing several activities with the kids you MUST plan it.  For example Monday can be dusting the house and cleaning the floors day, Tuesday can be grocery day, and so on but just realize that some days maybe no day will work out as planned.

-Meltdowns will happen and might happen often just remember to stay calm the room will feed off of anger or fear so stand your ground change the subject and learn to read a potential meltdown and avoid it next time if possible

-remember you are human some days you will feel like you have damaged your kids beyond repair or you are the worst mother in the world or you are frazzled too much and need a timeout yourself

-recharge your batteries which is easier said than done I am not good at doing this at all (ok never really) but I'm learning it is important to get out as an adult sometimes wear nice clothes and discuss something other than mickey mouse adventures - like I said I know this is important just hard to plan all the logistics plus actually walk out the door without guilt

I could go on and on about the things I've learned and I am still learning more everyday.  I would NEVER trade this time for anything and I know I am going to be incredibly sad when the house is clean and quite because the kids are gone to college.  I also know that I feel more like myself with my kids because they bring out the best me!  All in all it is the hardest job but the BEST job I've had or will ever have in my life!  I am very grateful that I can be a stay at home Mother!

Witness my fitness - post #7

I'm all about the "lazy" workout because I know for a fact they really do help.  The term lazy workouts are a lot of fitness guru's way of saying that you are doing little things during your everyday routine that can be considered working out.  For example while brushing your teeth for 2 minutes you do two minutes of popping up on your tippy toes from flat feet working your calf muscles or you park at the back of a parking lot to walk a little extra.  The quote "every little bit helps" really applies here!

Here are the things I do that I consider a "lazy" workout:
-While I'm riding in the car I flex my muscles
-during a shower I exhale holding in my abs several times
-I do park a little further then walk if I'm without my kids with kids any distance is a workout  :)
-while brushing my teeth I do several calf exercises
-As I clean the house I do lunges and squats 

Really ready to start working out and especially using my abs but after my doctor appointment yesterday I was not released for activity.  Possibly I can start working out next week so just a little longer and I can start a real workout routine!!  Until then I will just work my arms and legs in the approved ways that I can!  Guess I will be on the lazy workouts or most if them for a little longer and I also might start the couch workout out plan too check it out at !

I think I just gave you a good reason to be "lazy" too!!  Let's do it!!!  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Witness my fitness - post #6

My favorite workout move is the lunge especially the walking lunge!!  It is a killer leg and butt lifting move that you feel immediately!  All of my personal trainers use this move during the days we were working legs and butt muscles.  Here is a photo with explanation on how to do the perfect lunge:

Note: I do not do this move holding a child until I'm much more fit because with the state my current leg muscles are in I am not balance enough to feel comfortable holding the baby so this is something I do prior to taking a shower! 

Lunges - it's what's going on so try it and feel immediate burn!!!!

Witness my Fitness - Post #5

Late night snack attacks are one of my big battles because for some reason as long as I can remember I want a little snack after 9pm.  I'm not talking good for you snack I'm talking salty and sugary.

To combat this I've started drinking more water before bed and I've started to eat more (as in snack) during the day!  Some snacks I've incorporated are nuts, apples, avocado (which I LOVE), pretzels, and carrots.  I eat these things two times per day one snack in the morning and one in the afternoon.  So far I stil want a snack before bed I think because I'm still nursing a lot and need the extra calories so I've added a snack much of the same above or possibly popcorn because right now I'm listening to my body very well to make sure my baby is getting good nutrition as well.  

Love this flow chart and living it:

Photo from: 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Witness my fitness - post #4

The weekends are AWESOME!!  During weekends I get a few extra mommy minutes plus recharge the old battery by going out of the house with help!!  

This week we received one of my get fit and stay fit tricks so all of us can drink water anywhere!  We are planning a trip for Disney next year sometime therefore I wanted a way to make sure we could stay hydrated so I purchased these Brita water bottles:
It's the little things that can really make a difference!!

For excercising and safety purposes I also purchased some stroller fans ( our summer walks and activities so my sweet babies are cool even if the shade isn't readily available.  Even found my one month old a cool sun prevention hat but I'm still looking for something more than a baseball style hat for my 3 year old.  

Happy weekend everyone!!!

Blog On Explanation

I constantly have the need recently to explain myself.  I'm not sure why I do but since I'm a stay at home mom of a one month old and three year old I don't have ANY time plus I wish I could say I'm running on fumes but it is more like vapors however I do this blog so I guess perception is I do have time.

Let me explain, since a lot of my normal stress relievers are on hold for a while I do this blog to discuss certain topics and  motivate my brain to keep active on adult type topics.  However, I do not have time nor am I ignoring my sweet babies to post this blog due to the fact I always have both children asleep normally with at least one on top of me which means I cannot sleep so to keep from dropping said child off into the floor I type with one hand and keep myself awake by blogging.  The other situation I get a chance to blog is when my three year old is eating and I have finished feeding or in process of feeding the one month old.

Lots of moms have e-mailed, texted, and sent me Facebook messages they would  love to blog but they feel like they do not have time how do I do it.  Very simply put I don't have time either if I didn't have my trusty iPod and one hand free plus the need to be awake during a very sleepy moment I wouldn't be blogging either.  

So now that I've explained you know you can do this too!!!  Blog it out y'all!!!!  

Here is a pic of when I cannot blog but you get the picture it is almost nap time here:

Witness my fitness - post #3

Today my sweet one month old woke me up after a long night in a long line of consecutive long nights at 2AM then finally 5AM to nurse again.  Not unusual morning for me but while my sweet boy is still asleep and after nursing so is my sweet girl I'm heading to the bathroom to get a few minutes of Mommy time.  I even got fifteen whole minutes which is a lot!

During Mommy time at least two mornings a week (or as much as possible) I'm measuring my waist and getting on the scale to see what if any change my fitness plan has caused.  Taking measurements a little less often would show bigger change but I already have a large amount of change to hold in my mind because right now I've lost 33lbs and 10 inches from my waist which sounds like a lot in just 6 weeks but I still would like to go 30 more pounds and 10 more inches over the next 6 months to a year.  A lot of articles I have read states jumping on the scales plus measuring your waist area are keys to a successful weight loss program to keep you motivated.  It certainly does keep me on my toes especially last post pregnancy workout if I started to see my numbers climb I started to try to pin point reasons the scale might be tipping in the wrong direction so I could change what I was doing!  However I do find once I really start working out harder and muscle tone starts appearing again the scale number does go up a few pounds which I do not worry about because I know that is my body saying I'm really on the right track.  One of my personal trainers explained since muscle weighs more than fat that will happen when good muscle tone starts to develop!

Again weight is just a number but it is a good tool to show progress!  Last post pregnancy numbers held almost to the exact weight loss numbers as this time and I was back to pre pregnancy weight by 4 months however this time I started out 18 pounds heavier due to 6 months of hormone therapy with 6 months of fertility treatments to get pregnant plus all the stress that goes along with all of that.  Also last time by about 8-9 months out I had even shattered my pre pregnancy weight and got down to college weight which actually didn't look good on me anymore see the photo below. Therefore this time I'm going to try to maintain what I call wedding weight because it was just right and in line with a more healthy look plus feel for me!!  

Here you can tell I was too thin at 110lbs as we prepared to hike:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Witness my fitness - Post #2

Happy National Running Day!!!  I am really ready to start running badly but I am not cleared for training even though it has been 6 weeks (as of today) since my girl was born via c-section.  I'm still waiting on June 18th where hopefully I will be cleared.

In honor of running day I did  take my two babies on a good slow walk around the neighborhood.  Love the little things I feel I can easily work in with two babies and walking is one of them!  I also let my 3 year old make "trails" for us to skip, jump, walk, and dance on with sidewalk chalk on the driveway.  Even holding my one month old I can in slow motion do all of that because she thinks those motions are calming!  

Speaking of calming since I cannot do a lot of the things I do to relax my fitness plan has to include something's to reduce stress.  Stress is very toxic and I'm working really hard to be more relaxed.  I started researching ways to relax and lots of information pointed to some things I already do.  

Here are my normal stress busters:
-Prayer is very relaxing because I know that is the only way to truly be heard and get results God is awesome!
-Journaling is an amazing stress relief because I can write every feeling down let it all out and lock it up. Only problem with this is that I had to instruct family members to burn them if something happens to me :) plus right now especially if I cannot do something with one hand it isn't going to get done so I'm missing my journal
-Running and excercising which at this time isn't relaxing because I cannot get a good workout in due to some pain I'm having 
-Taking a nice hot jacuzzi bath with jets then adding my favorite LUSH bath bomb for a nice soak.  Again sadly I cannot do this till I know my incision is good to go in for a good soak.
-Going to the spa to get ... hmm ANY service I'm crazy about the spa.  Nursing schedule right now is blocking this because anyone that's ever been to a spa knows you should expect to be there for a few hours.
--Going on a trip to just get away.  Logistics on traveling right now are a nightmare and due to my baby girl being a month early we have tried to keep her away from public places.
-Cleaning the house for me is very therapeutic because a clean house clears my mind.
-Watching my kids sleep in my arms BEST feeling in the world to watch them sleep while I hold them ahh doing this right now as I type :)
-Cry it out!  Yes big girls do cry!
-Have one nice glass of vino tinto with some tasty Italian food. Not happening for a long time because I don't have even one drink while nursing.
-Make someone else happy feels SO good and calming
-Also I just found this on Pinterest it has some good tips too

So day two of fitness plan get rid of STRESS no more drama for this momma :-)