Monday, January 30, 2012


Tipping THE SCALE that is. I have A LOT of discussions with others about the dreaded issue of weight AND I have a LOT of personal opinions about losing and gaining weight since I have done both in my life several times especially before and after having a baby AND I know at some point everyone thinks about their weight (I do a lot) BUT if you think about it too much the problem gets overwhelming which normally causes bad results.

First let me post a disclaimer I am not a weight management specialist nor a professional in personal training or any of that, but to give you some background on why I think LOTS of people talk with me about their weight is because they know I have been to personal trainers, nutrition specialists, and doctors to help me.  I at first had to gain weight (really Body Mass) before I could get pregnant because my BMI (Body Mass Index) was too low then I went a little over my goal and way out of the park when I did get pregnant then after our child was born I went back way down to 119 lbs and now I am back up again to a number that I am almost afraid to say but I am working hard on it.  Anyway that is my story!

My thought is that 1-There is NO such thing as a quick fix 2-the word diet should be eliminated from the dictionary because it is very misleading 3-Not everyone can do the same things to get more/less weight because it depends on the type of person you are, what stage in your life you are at, AND what results you intend on getting 4-You must EAT because you cannot starve your body forever without it lashing out at you in fact it is better to eat little snacks all day long (healthy ones of course) than to miss a mealtime 5-CHANGE dreaded but it must happen and you must be able to live with the change you cannot join a program or a gym or eat well for 60 days or whatever you MUST make a change that you can keep up 6-Be honest and open with those around you because they will support you if you lay it out that they might not think you need to gain/lose weight BUT it is your body and you DO 7-BE HAPPY - I read a quote that is so true once upon a time that stated something like no one can make you unhappy unless you allow them to do so which is SO true but so hard to really practice but to really obtain good results you must relax and be happy with what you are doing

Ok I am off the soapbox, as my family would say, on to the next topic....till then check out my FIRST 8k race I completed in 53 mins:

More information that I think helps get good results --- Make yourself SEEM thinner to give you a boost of self motivation I do it with my Spanx and have for YEARS check out this article from CNN for their advice on looking thinner:

Plus CNN also highlights other healthy things for women:

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