Friday, February 17, 2012

Natural Beauty

Just to make it clear I have never thought I was/am beautiful.  What is natural beauty???  From where I am sitting right this very moment freshly tanned by a Versa Spa spray tanning system I think the definition of natural beauty might be an oxymoron due to the fact (in my case) there is NOTHING natural about trying to be beautiful.  In fact it is VERY much so NOT beautiful to be "Naturally" beautiful.  

The list:
- Tan people are generally thought of as beautiful and if you do it right you can even look slimmer by getting a good tan... I even might know a trick or two (or more really!) that with using spray tanning, darker foundation, or even a good bronzer you can have "natural" muscles. :) Tonight as I sit here not allowed to shower for at least 12 hours to let this spray tan sink in I think it is not so beautiful but great at the same time!  This is the one I just did tonight  and I love it for a "natural tan":

- White teeth I read an article somewhere that people actually think you are healthy and beautiful if you have white teeth.  Again let's go the "natural" route and use some whitening products... my favorite is Crest White Strips Supreme I get at the dentist office :) they are easy to apply, but do leave a little residue on your teeth that I always wipe off after I'm finished with a tissue. 
-Slim Less is more right???  RIGHT???  Well I know a good trick... wear some spanx I do and I LOVE them --  Spanx Best Sellers -- they are an instant 2 or 3 inches off the waistline.  The other thing to get slim is to workout really SWEAT yummmy beautiful with aroma!
-Symmetrical Face eye brows the proper length, height, and color... WAX (OUCH) Pluck (OUCH)!!  ICE PLEASE!!!  Maybe some false eye lashes? GLUE YES removal (OUCH) looks good... YES!  Nose trick even Monroe herself used was to contour her nose -- you can do this too with light concealer or highlighter down the bridge of your nose then with a darker liquid foundation you can line the sides of your nose with just a touch to make your nose seem smaller and straighter!!  :) All of this screams natural!!!  I LOVE Kandee Johnson check her out on Youtube, but here is one of my fav videos about brows just wish I could get my curling brows to act like hers:

-Hair Beautiful hair oooo la la?  Well after you are at the salon for 2 hours getting all over color, foiled in highlights, glossy glaze treatment (because you dye your hair), cut, and over $100 later OH yeah you have great hair until you try to fix it yourself :)
-Nails Crackle, Shatter, gel, acrylic, french... no I am not inventing a new snap crackle and pop commercial I am naming off the treatments you can get.  At anytime I am worried going to a nail salon someone might say "NO SOUP FOR YOU" because I didn't order my nail preference properly :)
-Skin - Glowing skin oh how I love thee BUT to get there one time in a thousand days lets talk microderm abrasion.  Did I just use the word skin and abrasion I must be CRAZY or talking about natural beauty!!  Not to mention other treatments like full body seaweed, cucmber, and wahtever else I have in my fridge to throw in there wrap.  Also great skin for me at least is attributed to great makeup some costly and takes time to put it on the right way here is one way to do foundation another Kandee Johnson video:

Ok so there is a LOT more but REAL true natural beauty to me isn't all this junk that we do to try to be beautiful on the outside.  Let's face it I feel like all my family and friends are SOOOOOOOO beautiful more beautiful than any super model I have seen because honest to goodness I see no flaws when a beautiful... natural beauty of a family member or a friend comes around!  When you get to know someone so well often times even when they think or feel they are not beautiful you think they are the most beautiful because they are the person you know will always be friendly and sweet to you forever!

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