Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Witness my fitness - Post #2

Happy National Running Day!!!  I am really ready to start running badly but I am not cleared for training even though it has been 6 weeks (as of today) since my girl was born via c-section.  I'm still waiting on June 18th where hopefully I will be cleared.

In honor of running day I did  take my two babies on a good slow walk around the neighborhood.  Love the little things I feel I can easily work in with two babies and walking is one of them!  I also let my 3 year old make "trails" for us to skip, jump, walk, and dance on with sidewalk chalk on the driveway.  Even holding my one month old I can in slow motion do all of that because she thinks those motions are calming!  

Speaking of calming since I cannot do a lot of the things I do to relax my fitness plan has to include something's to reduce stress.  Stress is very toxic and I'm working really hard to be more relaxed.  I started researching ways to relax and lots of information pointed to some things I already do.  

Here are my normal stress busters:
-Prayer is very relaxing because I know that is the only way to truly be heard and get results God is awesome!
-Journaling is an amazing stress relief because I can write every feeling down let it all out and lock it up. Only problem with this is that I had to instruct family members to burn them if something happens to me :) plus right now especially if I cannot do something with one hand it isn't going to get done so I'm missing my journal
-Running and excercising which at this time isn't relaxing because I cannot get a good workout in due to some pain I'm having 
-Taking a nice hot jacuzzi bath with jets then adding my favorite LUSH bath bomb for a nice soak.  Again sadly I cannot do this till I know my incision is good to go in for a good soak.
-Going to the spa to get ... hmm ANY service I'm crazy about the spa.  Nursing schedule right now is blocking this because anyone that's ever been to a spa knows you should expect to be there for a few hours.
--Going on a trip to just get away.  Logistics on traveling right now are a nightmare and due to my baby girl being a month early we have tried to keep her away from public places.
-Cleaning the house for me is very therapeutic because a clean house clears my mind.
-Watching my kids sleep in my arms BEST feeling in the world to watch them sleep while I hold them ahh doing this right now as I type :)
-Cry it out!  Yes big girls do cry!
-Have one nice glass of vino tinto with some tasty Italian food. Not happening for a long time because I don't have even one drink while nursing.
-Make someone else happy feels SO good and calming
-Also I just found this on Pinterest it has some good tips too

So day two of fitness plan get rid of STRESS no more drama for this momma :-)

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